Date(s) - 17/03/2018
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Community Hall
Friends Annual General Meeting
The AGM will take place in the Community Hall, Market Lavington – please arrive at 2.15pm for a 2.30pm start
There is no charge for attending the AGM, but we are asking for £15 per person to attend the Annual Lecture, which follows immediately after the AGM
Please notify Martin Knight if you intend to attend, preferably by email
Friends Annual Lecture
This year’s lecture is entitled “War Memorials – Near and Far” in recognition of the centenary of the end of the First World War
It is anticipated that the lecture will start at 2.45pm
The lecture will be given by Dr Timothy Connor, a retired school teacher of history and history of art. Since retirement he has published several booklets and articles, mostly concerning churches. Post-medieval church monuments are his current principal interest
Tickets will not be issued, but payment of £15 per person will be taken on your arrival. Guests are welcome